SGA: Representing Student Voices

Maddy Snyder, Staff Writer/Editor

The Student Government Association makes decisions on behalf of the students. The first issue on the table: Homecoming.

When electing anyone to office, whether it be the President, the Chief of Police, or, in this case, an SGA official, it is important to consider how they will represent their constituents. That is, after all, the sole purpose of the Student Council: to consider and voice the opinions of their classmates. The students of Zachary High School should be pleased to hear that at their first meeting, the newly elected SGA members did just that. 

Before the meeting could begin, the students had to be sworn in. With their right hands raised, they pledged their honesty, loyalty, and integrity to the students of Zachary High: “I… do solemnly swear… to serve faithfully and dutifully… I pledge to uphold and abide by… the policies and procedures… in the Zachary High student handbook… and the SGA Constitution… I promise to serve… the student body… of Zachary High School… to the best of my abilities.” 

After the oath was recited, Gabriella Gonzales, the SGA President, called the meeting to order with one swift bang of her gavel. The first order of business was deciding the themes for the homecoming dress-up days. From “Meme Day” to “Country vs. Country Club Day,” the council had a difficult decision to make. After much heated debate, “Group Day,” “Decades Day,” “Disney/Nickelodeon Day,” “Spirit Day,” and “Barbeque Dad vs. Soccer Mom Day” were the top picks. Of course, the school’s administration had to approve the council’s selection, and the two parties compromised to choose the final dress-up day themes (see Breaking News.) 

The decision was made with the student body in mind: “I ran for SGA to make changes… Not changes that I alone would favor, but changes that our student body sees fit,” said Gonzales. As president of the council, she emphasizes a need for objective decision-making and believes that personal preference should be irrelevant when it comes to SGA. The students’ opinions are of utmost importance to Gonzales.  

Likewise, sophomore treasurer, Katie McCrary said, “It’s very important to me that the opinions of our class don’t get swept under the rug.” The ideas and beliefs of the students at Zachary High are valued above all else when it comes to making important decisions. 

The SGA council demonstrated great leadership qualities at their first meeting, not only by making significant decisions, but by making a decision the student body of Zachary High school will enjoy.